Thank You 2015
03:58It has come to the end of the year and I'd like to thank 2015 for everything that had happened and the good memories that come with it.
I've put all the pictures into this post, because I feel like if I upload everything on Instagram even before, it'll just flood your feeds. Here's what my year in review looks like for the past few months so pardon me for the really long post this time round!
The academic year seems to pass by really fast. I felt like I've just reached London in September, started Year 2 and now a term has passed. School this semester was really fun as I think I have a work and life balance now and its not all just about staying at home like last year's. Be it the new friends that I made along the way, or the timetable that makes all of this after school eat-outs possible, it was truly moments to look forward to every week.
Since October, Monday has become our regular eat-out-after-school-day since we end late at about 6pm anyways and our schedules were not as busy as first year's, therefore, it's time to pig out.
When it came to December, I was not even ready for submissions because I kept changing my ideas and there was no inspiration but I finally finished what I've started, without thinking that it'll cost me too much money for. Showcasing one of the projects I did this term... Chelsea Scarves. The website prototype can be seen here while pictures of the project below.
With that my submission is done and all I had to do is say hello to the festive December season and enjoy my holidays till 11 January next year!
10 December 2015
All timings work out really well because I had free time by then and somehow, I have things to do everyday which is so good because I'm the type who can't stay at home - opposite to who I was in Singapore or in Indo. My colleague Fis when I was interning back in Singapore was in town and so I accompanied her for a day and did what everyone that comes into London do --- eat Burger and Lobster and then to Winter Wonderland to catch up after 2 years! :)
The next day, I went ice skating at Somerset House with the uni mates to celebrate our submission! Gosh, the place looks really beautiful and it was on my bucket list ever since last year, and the skates are so much more comfortable than the ones in London Eye and Winter Wonderland. Best skating experience everrrr. So good to see these people again after a long time because we are all in different classes this term and usually its really difficult to meet everyone at once. I really, really need, another karaoke session again with these peops because I've never went so crazy while singing - but with them, it becomes more like singing/shouting. Good company when you need to relieve stress.
19 December 2015
Upon arrival back to London, you know you can't miss out on the regular Saturday meet-ups which involves Yolkin dates that I still don't get why we always eat before lunch and the the night that somehow always ends up with glug glug glug, if you know what I mean...

24 December 2015
Spent Christmas Eve potluck dinner with Nadia and Talitha's friends at her house... behold the International dishes, but mostly turned out to be Indonesian dishes like Ayam Opor, Rendang and Bakso Udang. Seriously ate dinner like a true Indonesian - ngedeprok di lantai (sitting on the floor).
25 December 2015
My very first Christmas Day here - so depressing as no shops are open. Rather than not having anything to do during the afternoon, I walked to Maylanie's house and helped her with her essay in the day and then back home for dinner with my flatmates. Felt bad that I couldn't help with the cooking or preparing any dish before that so I came home with ice creams and a bottle of drink to share, no choice but to be bought in an off-licence shop - well they're the only ones that open.
Along with my first Christmas here, it is my first Boxing Day as well... Was in a really positive mood the day before thinking I could get alot of things but it didn't turn out so. Somehow I think I'll just skip boxing day next year. The queue for stores isn't as bad as what I imagined it to be and I'm not the kind who gets super sad about not getting something.
The ones who met earlier to do shopping - Nadia, Yohan, Marcel and me were really tired after going selfridges because of the crowd so we just sat at a deli nearby to rest for like 2 hours while waiting for dinner at Angus Steakhouse with May, Steven, Didi and Andri. Felt so bad for the earlier group cuz they were all so hungry and we had to wait for the other group to arrive before we can get a table...
As we separated after that, the night isn't finished without desserts... Well maybe its just we girls who craves for something but the bingsu in Shibuya tastes so good. Better than everywhere I've tasted. Well I haven't tried more of the Singapore ones but it is definitely 10x better than the bingsu at Indo's Cafe Benne.
That's all for my December, hope you enjoyed reading this and had a good year too! Wishing eveyone a Happy New Year, may you all achieve all your upcoming new year's resolutions!