On the edge
13:29Hi there. I won't really be posting any pictures for this post. Semester 2 wasn't really a great start for me. Got told off by one of the lecturers today because I couldn't do a proper presentation. Does it seem right to say like that when I was in front of the whole class, and their eyes staring back at me. Its not like I can do anything and turn to the past that I had just done. Do I still have the courage to stand up straight & speak out like nobody's business. I'm sorry but it really hurt. SORRY to you & everyone else, was what I just had to say. SORRY for being such a lacking person, SORRY that if I can't be confident enough to face challenges. Even there are more important things to think & sort out about, I can't just put it into my mind. And here I am writing, blogging, trying to say my feelings out. And it seems that SORRY was what I've been saying all the time. WHY is it that I am the only one who is apologizing?